Time travels and historic enviroment education as part of the curriculum - Annina Ylikoski
When the historic environment education is a part of the curriculum, it becomes a natural part of the schools yearly activity. The plans are planned according to the age of the children and the local museums facilities and possibilities. Accrding to these plans, the children visit the local museums every other year from the age of 7 till 16. There are also plans and time travels for younger children from ages 3-6. With younger children, less time is spent on explaining the scenario and time; the central part is the activities you do. The themes and historical times differ. The school lesson used doesn't always have to be a history lesson, historic environment education can be a variety of different subjects! The schools curriculums include a lot of subjects that's brought up in time travels. Local surrounding and learning about the own history and heritage is a common subject in most schools curriculums, both in history and as a general theme. Historical heritage education can also be used in maths, English, biology or geography. In the practical subjects like arts, music, gymnastics and crafts time travels are easy to use. Historic environment education can easier be included in the curriciulum if the teachers get material to work with the themes before and after the visit to the museum. This way, the museum visit and time travel becomes a part in a bigger completeness. The teachers can also plan the schoolyear and the teaching so the museum visit and the time travel becomes a natural and central part of the curriculum. Annina Ylikoski
Coordinator for the Ostrobothnian children's culture networkLast updated: 2013-01-16 12:42:17