Time Travel in New Mexico to 1912
Students from the university class developed these characters: a judge, a visually handicapped lawyer, a widow whose husband died in the Mexican Revolution in 1911, a suffragist calling for the vote for women, a farmer making adobe mud bricks, a water engineer from Mesopotamia, a woman uffering from tuberculosis, a fake doctor, and others. In all, over 200 students (from age 11 to 18) visited us at our fair where they traded with a merchant, argued about the Women's vote, made adobes, cooked tortillas, tried medicine from a quack doctor, and participated in a trial of the widow accused of smuggling arms to the Mexican revolutionaries. The graduate students in the class wrote a manual that we will revise this summer and put on-line for teachers around New Mexico to use when they do Time Travels to 1912. This is in preparation for the commemoration of the centennial of our statehood.
At a conference in New Mexico in May I presented the Seven Steps to Time Travels, talked about Bridging Ages, and then held a short Time Travel to 1912 with the thirty in attendance, where we debated Women's Suffrage.
Jon Hunner, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces