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Bridging Ages work at the McGregor museum, Kimberley

After much planning and enthusiastic training, Bridging Ages kicked off in Kimberley, South Africa with two Time Travel Events taking place. The first Time Travel at Wildebeest Kuil, was scheduled to take place on 7 April 2016, however had to be postponed until 8 April 2016 due to rainy weather we ended up doing two Time Travels at different locations in one day. In the morning we did a Time Travel event in Galeshewe, of events that took place on 8 November 1952, in response to the ANC’s Defiance Campaign (where non-white citizens defied the laws of segregation) during the apartheid years. Grade 11 learners from Kimberley Girls High School participated with great enthusiasm. Learners wrote speeches and poems, sang freedom songs, mended clothing and prepared food. In the afternoon we moved on to Wildebeest Kuil and the 1850’s when encroaching European settlers were requested to vacate territory that rightfully belonged to the Khoe-San. Kousop, the leader of the Khoe-San, tasked Richard Miles (a Tswana catechist) to write letters to the Afrikaaner settlers. This led to a meeting where Major Warden of the Orange Free State negotiated with Kousop on behalf of the Afrikaaner settlers. Conflict ensued, which led to the defeat of Kousop and his people. Learners from a nearby Khoi-San settlement were invited to attend the Time Travel. They engaged in activities such as food preparation, stone knapping for weapons, rock painting and making ostrich eggshell beaded jewellery. Major Warden arrived and learners were given the opportunity to give their input in decision making with regard to whether or not the Kousop should have led his people into war with the Settlers. Learners participated actively in the dramatics and some of the braver ones danced as others clapped and sang. Both Time Travels were very successful and the McGregor Museum will facilitate the continuation and further development of Time Travel in Kimberley. Samatha-Lee Blackenberg McGregor Museum