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Time Travel and Commuity Buidning - a South African perspective

“Democracy is based on the majority principle. This is especially true in a country such as ours where the vast majority have been systematically denied their rights. At the same time, democracy also requires that the rights of others of political minori­ties to be safeguarded.”  Nelson Mandela

One of the most critical issues in the 21st century is to guar­d our democracy.

The Port Shepstone Twinning Association, Port Shepstone, Kwa Zulu-Natal prides ourselves and was born as a result of our new democracy, 1994. A vision that upholds who we are:

“To empower individuals and organisations in the development of personal dignity, value, respect and understanding of each other through the sharing of experiences in a global context in order to contribute towards the building of a more equal and tolerant society locally.”

Introduction of Time Travels and Historic Environment Education in 2007 has achieved this vision. Dedicated members of Kalmar Läns Museum and members of our community have over the years developed the following Time Travels through intense research: South Wharf, Port Shepstone 1905; Port Shepstone Railway Station 1973. Court Martial, Mtwalume 1906; Gamalakhe Tin Town 1968; Betania Mission 1912; Fort Nonqayi, Eshowe 1906; King Shaka Isivivane, Umzumbe 1828.

Time Travel facts, scenarios and key questions:

Funding and achievements

The Port Shepstone Twinning Association has received major funding for 2013 from The National Lottery Board. The funding made it possible to implement the Time Travel method mentored by Kalmar Läns Museum.  

Since February 2013 we have organized 16 Time Travels with learners and 4 Public Time Travels. We have made 27 Time Travel presentations to spread the concept. There has been training on study circles, oral history recording, research methodology, filming and videoing. Staff from University of Kwa Zulu Natal has been able to assist, guide, train and mentor our research team, in addition to research undertaken.

5 persons are now able to facilitate Time Travels and 24 persons work as activity leaders. 105 persons have been employed part time or provided a service, hence contributing to employment.